You-niversity Teachings to Change Your Life

Your Presence is the present. When we learn to call the essence of our soul and embody it, we take the first steps to taking our lives back into our own hands. Learning to be present is a foundational step to putting yourself back into the driver's seat of your life's choices. Interestingly it's pretty easy to do; however, only a few people practice it. Please watch this lesson before we start the program. We will begin class by calling in our presence.
Universal Laws

Aligning with Universal Law blows open the magic and reciprocity with the universe. By expanding your consciousness of these laws and implementing them into your life, you will begin to co-create with the universe, manifesting your dreams and desires. Uniting with God's Law is how we create heaven on earth.

This School is Different.
Knowing yourself is the key to unlocking your wisdom and is only attainable through studying your consciousness, subconsciousness, and the anatomy of your soul.
You will move from effect to cause, from victim to creator of your life.
I am going personally guide you to remembering these foundational teachings. Each live Zoom will include calling in our presence, prayer, a teaching, homework, and Q&A (sharing). All classes will be recored and available to you through teachable.
This will be the best school you have ever attended and the best ROI on your tuition cost. Your consciousness is the most valuable asset you possess. Now is the time in history when we become deliberate creators and create the world we wish to live in.
Laura Berryman, CA
My Family and I have been seeing Dr. Colleen for 15 years for health care. I am amazed how she is so committed to higher education. She is always searching for the answers to healing at the root and making the lives better for others. I recently retook her, 'Presence' course and I learned so many new things as well as deepening my practice with myself. My favorite thing about Dr. Colleen is she truly wants to empower others to take their lives back into their own hands. I love the content she brings that makes my life more full. I look forward to this whole program. I am already signed up.
Alyssa Masuda, CA
Colleen helped me find what my true purpose/calling is in this life. And when you hear “everything is already within you” it’s 10000% true. She’s your guide who can help you get down to the good stuff. The stuff you need to look at, examine and maybe even work on. I had a lot of work to do I realized, but I also kept going back to my purpose and asked myself (often) does this serve my life purpose? And if the answer was no, I could freely move on or say no. I even said no to a handful of relationships that were no longer serving me (trust me the heartbreak was so damn real, but I knew that person no longer apart of my journey).
I try every day to live my authentic, highest self because I want to show up as her; I’m proud of this woman I’ve become. Colleen is truly a beautiful light that will help guide you. It’s not about crystals and woowoo stuff, it’s about YOU. Do you want to live or just float by and simply exist?
Liz Whilhelm, CA
Being a body worker myself and I have had many healing sessions. I have never had a session as profound as I have had with Dr. Colleen. Her sessions help me feel good in my body but what is so interesting is that, for the days to follow, I experience expansion and growth. She always calls or texts me to check in. I feel so supported, seen and heard. I know when I am not feeling good, or something is up in my life, I can make an appointment and gain clarity and release. She is really magical. I’m so grateful to have found her. And more grateful to have her support moving forward in my life, aware and alive.